Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Finding AntiqueEngagement Rings

Old antique engagement
rings are those classic
style rings that bring
back the charm and
history of an era gone by.
Many couples enjoy the
nostalgic feel of
something their
grandparents may have
worn. Others simply like
the idea of old-fashioned
quality workmanship and
styling. Whatever your
reason for choosing
vintage diamond
engagement rings,
finding the best rings at
the best price is a
Finding Antique Style
Engagement Rings
Online auctions and the
Internet in general have
brought the world home.
You can shop the tiniest
Italian countryside
village or Antwerp's
mega diamond dealers –
all from your home
If you like to shop closer
to home where you can
touch and feel the rings
and try them on for size
and style, then there are
other great sources for
vintage engagement
rings. Flea markets or
estate sales are two of
the top sources for
authentic vintage
jewellery including
diamond or sapphire
jewelry in gold or silver.
Authenticating a Vintage
Diamond Engagement
Finding a vintage
engagement ring is one
thing, but making sure it
is truly and antique is
another. A reputable
jewellery appraiser can
help. There are telltale
signs and markings on
jewellery that will tell
the trained appraiser
when and where and by
whom a specific piece of
old jewellery was made.
Each silversmith or
artisan has a symbol that
they will engrave in their
work to mark it as one of
their own. Counterfeiters
will try to replicate the
marks, but other design
features will let the
appraiser know if this is
the case in a particular
antique. The appraiser
can then give you a
guarantee or certificate
of authenticity to go
with your vintage
diamond engagement
The setting and the
diamonds will need to be
examined separately.
You may find a vintage
setting with newer
diamonds. This won't
necessarily impact the
value to you, but it would
perhaps indicate that
there were either
several owners or that
the person selling the
rings as an antique may
have changed stones.
The number one
consideration in choosing
antique jewellery is to
make sure you really love
it. There are usually no
exchanges for vintage
diamond engagement

Monday, September 27, 2010


Sunday, September 26, 2010

blackbery storm

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Stay on the cutting edge
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Thursday, September 23, 2010

Jupiter makes its closestapproach to Earth in 47years this week.

The planet Jupiter will be
at its closest to the Earth
since 1963 tomorrow and
Tuesday, scientists say.
This will cause the
planet's appearance to
peak at a brightness and
size not seen since then.
The planet Uranus will
also make a close
approach, but will be
more difficult to spot, as
it is much farther away.
Scientists say that Jupiter
will rise at about the
time of sunset and will
be nearly directly
overhead at midnight.
The only brighter object
that will be in the sky at
that time will be the
moon. NASA scientist
Tony Phillips said "Jupiter
is so bright right now,
you don't need a sky map
to find it." It will not
appear this bright again
until 2022.
Jupiter will pass within
368 million miles of Earth
at the time of closest
approach. Although this
will occur on Monday and
Tuesday, it will remain
large and bright for
approximately another
During this event, the
planet will be located in
the sky not far from the
moon. Some of the
planet's own moons will
be visible with the aid of
a telescope or
According to NASA
scientists, Earth-Jupiter
encounters occur about
every 13 months. Since
both planets' orbits are
slightly elliptical,
meaning they are not
perfect circles around
the Sun, the distance
varies in each encounter.
Jupiter, the largest
planet in the Solar
System, is the fifth
planet from the Sun and
is more massive than all
of the other planets
combined, about 318
times as massive as the
From wikipedia.com

American football

American football
American Football is a
tough contact sport
that dominates the
American sporting
scene and is gaining
popularity in Europe. It
is a game requiring all-
round physical fitness.
Players have to be fast,
strong, and proficient in
the six basic skills of
football: passing,
catching, running,
blocking, tackling, and
kicking. American
football has always
been associated with a
large number of
injuries, not surprising
when the game
commonly involves
players in excess of 240
pounds colliding with
each other at full speed.
In the United States, it
is estimated that more
than 300 000 high school
players, 35 000 college
players, and half of the
National Football
League players are
injured to some extent
each season. Head and
neck injuries are
common: there are
approximately 250 000
incidents of concussion
each year. Some injuries
have been fatal or have
resulted in players
becoming permanent
quadriplegics. However,
the number of very
severe injuries has
declined in recent
years. This is probably
due to rule changes
concerning tackling and
blocking with the head,
and improvements in
protective equipment
which were introduced
in 1976. There has also
been a greater
emphasis in training on
strengthening the
muscles of the neck and
learning good tackling
techniques. This is
particularly important
in the younger age
Protective clothing is an
essential feature of
modern football, but
this makes the players
vulnerable to heat
stroke. One study
reported 12 heat stroke
deaths among college
and high school football
players over a three
year period. The victims
were all interior
linemen, probably the
players required to
work hardest and
longest; most were
stricken during pre-
season practice so they
may have been in poor
physical condition; all
were dressed in full
uniforms which
increases workload and
interferes with heat
loss; and most were not
permitted to drink
water during practice.
Clearly, it is essential
that players and
officials should be
aware of the risk of
heat stroke, and ensure
that drinking water is
available during
practice and games.
From wikipedia

Monday, September 20, 2010

Hat-trick pertama barbatov

Dimatar barbatov mencetak hat-trick pertamanya untuk MU ,dengan hat-trick ini membuat barbatov menjadi pemain MU yang membuat hatrik pada setru bebuyutanya liverpol sejak 64 taun terakhir .
Dalam pertempuran di old traford MU berhasil menang 3-2 atas setru bebuyutanya itu.
Dengan kemenangan ini MU Berada di posisi 3 klasmen sementara liga primer

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Netbook 1 jutaan

Indonesia juga bisa bikin netbook murah diantarnya adalah ELEVO R7 netbook murah yang diproduksi PT ELEVO TECNOLOGY INDONESIA (ETI)dibanderol dengan harga
Rp.998.000,- ini memiliki
spesifikasi Processor
ARM9 (533MHz), 7"
Digital panel
800x480pixels, Ram
128MB, Storage 2GB, Wifi
802.11b/g, 2 usb port, 2in1
SD Card, Audio port in/
out, Li Polymer batere
sampai 3 jam.
Dengan harga kurang
dari 1(satu) juta rupiah, menurut websitnya
Elevo R-7 di klaim sebagai
netbook termurah di
Indonesia saat ini.
Dengan Dukungan Windows CE
yang tidak menggunakan
banyak memory
membuat kegiatan
browsing terasa mudah
dan responsif serta
Wireless LAN yang dapat
membuat kemudahan
akses di tempat-tempat
yang memiliki hotspot
Cukup lumayan untuk ukuran harga yang murah dan bagi anda yang ingin berburu gadget murah .
Untuk pembelian bisa di pesan di websitnya .
Sumber www://elevo.co.id

Friday, September 17, 2010

Liverpool menang mudah atas steaua

The reds menang mudah 4-1 atas steaua,joe cole langsung menjebol gawang steaua pada menit menit awal namun steaua berhasil menyamakan kedudukan lewat kaki tanase.
The reds berhasil menambah ke unggulan lewat finalty david nggog ditambah lagi oleh gol leivera dan di akhiri lagi oleh gol ke dua david ngog liga eropa merupakan prioritas manager liverpol setelah tersingkir dari liga campions musim ini , liverpool ingin kembali menjadi the big 4 di premier league dan kembali berlaga di liga campion ,cole yang terkena larangan bertanding setelah terkena kartu merah di premier league saat melawan arsenal di awal musim premier league .
Namun cole sudah bisa bermain saat the red kontra mancaster united 19/9 lusa dalam pertandingan kemaren liverpool tampak dominan dalam penguasaan bola . Bermain di kandang membuat liverpool tampil percaya diri .
Bagemana serunya setan merah kontra the red ? Tonton aja lusa
Sumber BBC.COM

Kontroversi membedong bayi

Perlukah Anda
membedong bayi Anda,
atau bedong bayi bisa
membahayakan? Ada
yang mengatakan
informasi yang
merugikan dan
menyesatkan tersebar di
masyarakat tentang
bedong bayi bisa memicu
penyakit atau
konsekuensinya dapat
mematikan. Lainnya
mengatakan bedong bayi
yang merupakan teknik
penting untuk bayi
sehat. Itulah
kontroversi ...
“Membedong bayi
dengan benar-benar
aman”, kata Raleigh,
konsultan tidur bayi di
North Carolina, demikian
pula yang disarankan
para ahli perawatan bayi
baru lahir. “Ada orang di
luar sana yang
menyebarkan pesan
mengenai bedong bayi
yang nakut-nakutin,
namun kurang bukti,
data dan studi klinis”
katanya. Untuk
menasihati orang tua
menghindari bedong
adalah hal yang benar-
benar tidak masuk akal.”
Membedong bayi adalah
alat vital yang terbukti
secara klinis untuk
membuat nyaman bayi
yang menangis, dan
mencegah bayi baru lahir
dari tidur menelungkup.
Bedong bayi yang hangat
mengingatkannya pada
tempat yang familiar
baginya: kandungan ibu.
Dunia ini masih asing
baginya dan saat ia
dibedong ia merasa
tenang dan aman, oleh
karenanya bayi suka
Dr. Harvey Karp, ahli
terkemuka tentang
masalah bayi tidur dan
karyanya meliputi
hampir empat dekade,
telah lama
menganjurkan bedong
Bayi. Pada websitenya
“Happiest Baby on Block,
Karp menulis bahwa
bedong bayi adalah
penting untuk kesehatan
masyarakat karena bayi
menangis dan kelelahan
itu penyebab utama
pemicu orangtua depresi
pasca melahirkan, SIDS,
pemicu penganiayaan
anak-anak seperti
mengguncang bayi,
pemicu kegagalan
menyusui, ibu merokok,
stres perkawinan,
pemicu kecelakaan
mobil, dan over-diagnosis
dan pemicu perawatan
penyakit bayi.
American Academy of
Pediatrics juga telah
menganjurkan bedong
bayi berkali-kali dan juga
menulis tentang manfaat
bedong bayi pada
berbagai kesempatan.
Bedong bayi adalah kunci
untuk membuat bayi dan
orangtuanya tidur baik
di malam hari. Biasanya
hanya beberapa kali bayi
terbangun di malam hari
karena haus untuk
minum ASI, setelah
kenyang dan dibedong,
ia dapat tidur kembali.
“Mengingat jutaan orang
yang telah mengunakan
bedong bayi yang baru
lahir setiap malam dan
setiap hari, jika suatu
teori anti bedong bayi
benar berbahaya,
seharusnya akan ada
secara harfiah ribuan
melaporkan kejadian
berbahaya tersebut
selama bertahun-tahun,
dan ternyata tidak ada”,
kata Michael Gatten,
CEO dan Pendiri Miracle
Industries, LLC, pembuat
produk bedong bayi
Sebagai contoh informasi
yang keliru tersebut,
istilah “bedong bayi”
sedang dieksploitasi dan
tidak sah diterapkan
pada berbagai barang
seperti selimut anti
longgar atau barang
lainnya yang bukan
bedong bayi untuk
penggunaan studi
klinisnya untuk
MITOS: Sebuah selimut
atau kantung tidur
lainnya lebih baik untuk
membantu bayi tidur.
FAKTA: Daripada
menyelimuti bayi,
penelitian kedokteran
menunjukkan manfaat
yang luar biasa untuk
membedong bayi dengan
nyaman agar ia merasa
hangat dan tidur pulas,
mencegah bayi
menggerakan tubuhnya
sehingga tidur tengkurap
(yang bisa membuat ia
tidak bisa bernafas).
MITOS: Bayi perlu tangan
mereka bebas untuk
menenangkan diri
sendiri, mengembangkan
keterampilan motorik,
dan untuk menggerak-
gerakkan lengan mereka
jika mereka dalam
FAKTA: Bayi tidak cukup
terkoordinasi untuk
melatih keterampilan
motorik atau
menenangkan diri sendiri
sampai 14 minggu
pertama. Bedong adalah
pengganti selama waktu
ini untuk membatasi
gerak refleks, sehingga
mencegah gerakan
mengejutkan yang tidak
diinginkan dan wajah
MITOS: Bedong bayi
dapat mengganggu
ekspansi paru-paru,
berkontribusi beresiko
mati lemas.
FAKTA: Penelitian
bedong bayi telah
menunjukkan bahwa
bedong bayi tidak
penyerapan oksigen oleh
paru-paru atau
mengganggu pernafasan.
Dan, tidak ada insiden
mati lemas karena
bedong yang pernah

CR9 kembali jadi CR7

No kostum 7 merupakan no keramat di real madrid. Hampir semua pemain yang mengenakan nomor ini menjadi legenda.
Mulai dari raymod copa (1950-an),amancio amaro (1960-an),juanito(1970-an) emilio butragueno (1980-1990-an) hingga terakhir raul gonzalez.
Sekarang setelah pindah ke schalke,nomor 7 warisanya menjadi incaran bintang bintanp real madrid.
Mengenakan kostum no 7 secara tidak langsung berarti terpilih menjadi ikon klub paling legendaris di muka bumi.
Cristiano ronaldo mengaku sangat menginginkan kostum no 7 tersebut 'aku sangat senang jika di beri kostum no 7 tersebut. Aku juga yakin kalo raul akan senang jika nomor itu di berikan padaku.sebab dia tau benar siapa aku dan bagemana karakterku ' kata ronaldo seperti di lansir realmadrid.com.
Dia mengaku mengagumi raul. 'raul adalah seorang legenda' ujar ronakdo. Seperti juga raul ronaldo juga ingin menjadi legenda di madrid .
Saat ini ronaldo memang menjadi favorit terkuat pewaris no 7. As melaporkan ronaldo bakal di percaya sehingga julukanya kembali menjadi CR7 seperti di mancaster united.
Sementara as juga menyatakan no 9 milik ronaldo bakal di pake karim benzema .


Smancally,obesity means being obese or being very fat.there in no doubt that it is mainly caused by eating too much .in some societys obesity is throught yo be atractive . take look at the sumo-player whether in japan or out of japan . they are all very fat. its looks wired when sumo-player is thin. some wrestlers for certain class keep their bodies also fat and muscular.
But in countries like britain and the usa ,obesity is now a major public health problem. fat people have more illnesses and die younger than tine ones. however, many people in the world do not get enough to eat, so they need not worie about becoming fat (as additional information there are there types of body shape namely ectomorps , those who have heavily-built wit much fat body shape,usually round and tubby;mesomorps,those who have muscular and of a medium body shape ,chunky and muscular ).
the food we eat gives give us energy ,wich measured in calories . the calories are used up by the processes of living , such as keeping warm ,breathing, growing, and exercising. if a person eat more than need of energy , the extra calories are stored as fat. this is deposited in fatcells under his skin

Tip,trik ,readbud,meningkatkan penghasilan di readbud

Tips meningkatkan penghasilan di readbud pilih semua menu di pada interest artikel yang jumlahnya sekitar 27 buah baru sisanya untuk memilih sub menu sampe jumlahnya 50.
Rajin rajinlah log in dan merating artikel artikel biasanya banyak di pagi hari saya biasanya merating artikel jam 5 pagi ,biasanya ada 10-15 artikel untuk di rating setelah kita merating semua artikel kita buka artikel histori di situ biasanya terdapat artikel yang belum di rating di tandai dengan (-) klik aja pada judul artikel trus kita kasih rating .
Ayo rating terus artikelnya dan kumpulkan dolarnya

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Frank ribery

Born April 7, 1983 in
Boulogne-sur-Mer, Pas-
At the age of two he was
thrown through the
windshield in a car crash
that resulted in scars on
the right side of his face
and his forehead. Franck
now regards the
horrendous accident as a
source of strength and
motivation. "I was a
fighter," he recalls.
Converted to Islam
around the time he
married his Muslim
fiance Wahiba Belhami
who is of Algerian
descent (originally from
Nedroma, Tlemcen). He
adopted the Arabic name
May: Suffered relegation
from French National
league with US Boulogne
after finishing 17th in the
20-team season.
May: Helped Brest to win
promotion the French
Ligue 2 after finishing
second in the National
League (Third level).
August 7: Made his
French Ligue 1 debut in
the Metz 1-0 win over
November 11: Scored his
first French Ligue 1 goal
in the 82nd minute of the
Metz 1-1 away draw at
January: Signed a
contract with Turkish
club Galatasaray, and
went on to help them
win the 2005 Turkish Cup
by scoring a key goal in a
1-0 victory in the semi-
final and scoring a goal
and assisting another in
a 5-1 win in the final
against rivals
July 18: Hizya, his
daughter, is born.
May: Voted France's
Young Player of the
Season for 2005/06
May 15: Previously
uncapped, he is selected
in the France squad for
the World Cup.
May 27: Made National
team debut in the France
1-0 victory over Mexico
at the Stade de France.
He began the match and
was substituted by David
Trezeguet in the 74th
June 27: Scored his first
international goal, a
crucial one, levelling
France at 1-1 with Spain
in the 41st minute of
their knockout round
match after calmly
rounding the Spanish
keeper, Iker Casillas.
Though Spain were the
favourites, France went
on to win that game 3-1
to book a quarter-final
slot against Brazil.
July 9: Member of the
French squad that lost
the FIFA World Cup final
against Italy 1-1 (3-5 PSO)
in Berlin's
August 04: A few days
after pledging his future
to Olympique Marseille,
France midfielder Franck
Ribery said he wanted to
leave the French club.
"My wish is to leave
Marseille," he told
French Television.
August 10: Franck Ribery
has pledged his future to
Marseille, just days after
announcing he wanted to
leave the club. "I am a
Marseille player and I'm
happy to be here," he
October 12: Included
among the 30 nominees
for the FIFA World Player
of the Year Award.
October 17: Included
among the 50 nominees
for the European
Footballer of the Year
November 18: Franck
Ribery will be out of
action until the new year
with a groin injury. The
Frenchman said he felt
pain for the first time
the day after Lyon
thrashed Marseille 4-1 in
Ligue 1 three weeks ago.
"I did not have enough
time to rest (after the
World Cup ended in July)
," he added.
May 13: Lost the French
Cup final on penalty
kicks with Marseille
against Sochaux in the
Stade de France.
May 25: Set to join
Bayern Munich in the
summer, a source close
to the German club
revealed, in a deal
believed to be worth 15
millions euros.
June 7: Bayern Munich
officially anounced the
signing of Ribery on a
four year deal from
Marseille for a club
record fee of €25 million.
He was given the number
7 shirt, previously worn
by club legend Mehmet
Scholl, who had retired
the preceding season.
July 6: Ribery made his
first appearance against
FT Gern in a friendly. The
game ended 18-0 for
Bayern Munich and
Ribery scored 2 goals.
August 11: Made his
Bundesliga debut in the
FC Bayern's 3-0 home
defeat of Hansa Rostock.
He started the match
and was substituted in
the 79th minute by Jose
August 18: Scored on a
penalty kick his first
Bundesliga goal during
FC Bayern's 4-0 away
victory at Werder
April 19: Helped Bayern
to a record 14th German
Cup title after defeating
Borussia Dortmund 2-1
after extra time in the
final in Berlin.
May 5: Won the German
Bundesliga with FC
Bayern, it was the 21st
German title for the
Bavarian side.
May 26: Voted Bundesliga
player of the year in a
poll of 268 league players
published in Kicker
newspaper. Ribery won
57.8 percent of the vote,
well ahead of Luca Toni
who came in second
place with 24.8 percent
and Diego Ribas with 8.5.
June 17: Lasted only ten
minutes of the European
Championship Group C
finale against Italy, lost
0-2, being carried off the
pitch after getting
caught in a tangle of legs
with Gianluca
Zambrotta. The exact
nature of the injury was
a rupture of the ligament
connecting the fibula to
the tibia in his lower left
June 19: Come through an
operation on his left leg
in Germany, two days
after he was forced out
of Les Bleus' final
European Championship
Group C game in Zurich
with a severely twisted
ankle. Bayern expect
Ribery's rehabilitation to
take seven to eight
August 6: Became only
the second foreign player
to be named Footballer
of the Year in Germany
after claiming the prize
ahead of Michael Ballack
and Luca Toni.
September 24: Made a
happy return from injury
to help holders FC Bayern
M?nchen into the
German Cup last 16 with
a 2-0 win against 1. FC
FIFA World Cup™
Germany 2006 player's
The Olympique Marseille
midfielder recently came
into national team
calculations and is now
on the shopping list of
several clubs across
Extremely fast and
tricky, leading the
charge on the left flank.
Tottenham, Arsenal and
Turkey’s Galatasaray -
where he played in 2005 -
are among the clubs to
have been linked with
Marseille is his sixth
career club and he is only

Monday, September 13, 2010

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Laser tecnology

Laser Technology
Laser technology is used
in almost every scope of
life, from the miniscule
lasers in CD players to
the lasers used to scan
groceries in the checkout
line to the massive lasers
in aeronautics design.
The discovery of laser
technology and the
subsequent building of
ever-improving lasers
have benefited the
human race
particularly through
medical advances.
Medical lasers cause
medical procedures to be
quicker, better, and
easier than their
traditional counterparts.
The only drawback is
increased cost.
In 1917, Albert Einstein
was the first person to
suggest the basics of
what would become
lasers, by discussing the
theory of Stimulated
Emission, which is a type
of electron transition in
which a photon is
emitted from an atom
causing a chain reaction
with other atoms to
repeat the action. In
fact, the word laser is an
acronym for Light
Amplification by the
Stimulation Emission of
Radiation. Charles
Townes, an American
physicist, further
developed the idea with
microwave (invisible)
light in the mid- to
late-50's and Theodore
Maiman built the first
working optical (visible)
light laser in 1960.
Improvements and
variations on hundreds of
kinds of lasers continue
to be made since the
1960s. Those involved in
quantum mechanics have
been studying some form
of lasers, either in theory
or in reality, since the
1920s. Uses for laser
technology are
widespread and are
included in such
important fields as
communications, design,
and research.
The advancement of
medical lasers has vastly
improved the ease and
success of surgery. The
cost, however, is greater
than that of other
treatments, though
scarring is much less with
lasers and lasers work
much more quickly than
older surgical options.
Incisions are more
precise and easier to
control. Some medical
areas in which lasers
have deeply refined
treatment options are in
laser eye surgery,
oncology, neurosurgery,
cardiology, dermatology,
veterinary surgery, and
dental surgery.
Televisions, telephones/
cellular phones, and
computer systems all
benefit from the use of
lasers. Lasers are able to
carry the huge amounts
of channels and
frequencies required by
these high-tech devices.
Lasers have proven the
best communication
device to have in the
space age.
Lasers have transformed
the world of design by
making it possible for
designers to perform
with precision that was
previously unavailable.
Lasers are used to design
digital and three-
dimensional objects with
much more ease and
accuracy through
scanning, cutting,
copying, and digital
archiving. From designing
a building to designing
landscape, lasers prove
to be the best option for
fast and easy design.
Lasers have improved the
manufacturer's ability to
produce tenfold. For
example, with a laser
cutter, a clothing
manufacturer can have
fabric patterns cut much
more quickly and more
accurately in no time. A
jeweler has much more
precision on his side
when employing lasers to
work on fine gems.
Airplane designers can
construct an aircraft
much more efficiently
and with greater results
using laser technology.
The use of lasers in
research enables
scientists to uncover
much more detail and
detect very slight
movement when studying
matter. The lasers can be
tailored to only respond
to certain colors or
movements and, in that
way, they provide much
more specialized work in
research environments.
The world of laser
technology is always
expanding by producing
new applications and
ways to benefit people.
The dependence that the
modern culture has on
lasers is amazing
considering that it was
not prevalent until the
past forty years.

Secret adsense

10 REAL AdSense Secrets
Get Rich Quick Scams
Read this article before
you consider paying for a
"get rich quick"
From: AdSense Secrets
Everybody would love to
make lots of money
quickly, working from
home, and only doing a
few hours of work per
week. trying to find a
great way of doing this.
Only over the course of
the past few months
have found any "get
rich quick" programs
worth buying. I've been
trying to make money
online for a long time. I
had a few small websites,
but they never made
much more than a few
hundred per month. It
was easy money and
didn't require much work
on my part, but I knew
there were people out
there doing better than I
was and I knew I could do
as well as them.
Now, I've seen a lot of
"get rich quick"
programs. Most of these
people make claims
about earning $2000/day
with Google or
something similarly
insane. Almost all of
these people are
complete liars. Even if
they were making $2000/
day with Google
AdSense, it'd be because
they had high- traffic
websites with a lot of
quality content. I'd know,
because in one whole
month, I never even
made half of what they
promised I'd make daily
with their programs.
Maybe you've already
been scammed by one of
these fraudsters.
Anyway, I finally got sick
of what was being
I decided I'd look through
the all of the "get rich
quick" programs I could
find and see if there
were any that were
actually legitimate. I
found that there were
owners selling their
programs for well over $
100, but the information
in them could be found
almost anywhere online
for free. Additionally,
they all contained out-of-
date information, had no
e-mail support, no money
back guarantees, and
broken links in the
downloads section.
In conclusion, almost all
of the programs I found
were completely useless.
The owners knew it, but
they couldn't care less
about their customers
since they didn't offer
refund policies!
Amazingly, while looking
through all of the
programs, I actually did
find a few legitimate
programs. They were run
by ordinary people like
you and me, and they
had found some great
methods of making
money from their home
by doing very little work.
I spent some time
working with those
programs, and my
income is now ten times
what it used to be. These
programs provided a
large amount of great
information on how to
make extra money on
your computer doing
very little work.
Numerous customers had
provided great feedback
and reviews for their
products. Many of them
have started to make
money just days after
Their programs have
excellent prices, and the
authors have a group of
paid staff who are
dedicating to helping you
or providing assistance if
you need any. I must say I
was amazed! If you do
decide to purchase any
of the programs listed
below, I recommend you
join quickly. Most of the
owners tell me they are
getting an overwhelming
number of sales and plan
on raising prices in the
near future, so order
while prices are still low!
To Your Online Success,
AdSense Secrets